Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Top 5 News Sources I Use

 The following post will talk about the top 5 sources of news I use on a regular basis. The list is chosen and ranked based on how much of the news is accurate, how credible it is, and how creative their content is


An easy choice for someone who's entire life and college major surrounds sports. The most credible source out there for sports, ESPN has been the world's #1 source for all things involving competition and athletes. The network has reporters in every branch of sport. From football to F1 to even chess, there isn't a sport out there that ESPN doesn't have some sort of coverage for. I recommend this platform to anyone that wants credible news about sports. You won't find a better one than this.

2) Bleacher Report

Created in 2005, Bleacher Report has quickly become a credible news source for all things sports as well. Not only do they cover the latest breaking news, but also inject sports culture into their content. The network has several different accounts on Instagram, all of which focus on different sports, as well as sneakers, fashion, and other sections of sports culture. I use this source consistently, not only for it's credible reports, but for it's creativity and expansion outside of just on-the-field reporting 

3) Twitter

While some people may question this source being on here, as a majority of twitter can be very opinion based or filled will false reports. However, if you can find credible accounts, using the blue checkmark or doing a deep dive on accounts, you can find sources you can trust. I use twitter to follow beat writers and insiders for all my sports teams, knowing they will be the first people to report any new rumors or updates. Twitter may not be for everyone, but if you are looking for an outlet that is always delivering new content and news constantly, this is the one for you.

4) Reddit

Last semester, I had to take a journalism course for my major and every day we were asked to share a news story and discuss it. I used Reddit to find a new headline. There is a tab on the top bar of the website that leads you directly to a news tab, full of credible links to articles about the latest around the world. For a single report, it lists all the reports, news articles, and updates for that event or report, so that you can see all the different perspectives of the event. The site is also full of lots of creative posts and discussion posts. For anyone who likes a healthy combination of news, discussions, opinions, and creative displays, Reddit is a great fit

5) Puck Empire


In terms of the most creative content, this source wins, hands down. Along with pumping out reliable hockey news gathered from multiple credible sources, this outlet also produces rankings, prospect reports, jersey rumors and changes, and hockey culture posts. Everything hockey can be found on their multiple media forms, from Instagram to YouTube. I use this source all the time for reports and the latest around the league. Their colorful graphics and reliability make it easy for any fan or follower to stay on track with the latest happenings. 

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