Wednesday, September 21, 2022

EOTO Reflection

This past Thursday, we were asked to present our EOTO projects, which asked us to research an invention in technology. While I was assigned social media, along with a couple others, we also were able to listen to other people's findings. There were two main technologies that I enjoyed listening to: mail pigeons and the other social media presentations.

While it may not be fair to say I enjoyed listening to the other social media presentations, they were interesting to hear. Other people found facts I didn't;t find on my own, such as in the second one, where the presenter linked social media to early phone operators, which required someone to connect a plug into an outlet in order to transfer a call. They also talked about topics such as FOMO and self-esteem issues, which were briefly mentioned in my own presentation, but was covered much more in-depth in the other two. I also found similarities between the presentations. The first presenter mentioned the film "The Social Dilemma", which I also watch and covered in my slides and blog. While it was not a new technology I learned, it was still good to hear other peoples' findings on the same topic.

The other technology I thought was interesting to learn about was carrier pigeons. I would always see them in movies and other forms of media but I never considered how they work. Learning how they used grains and other training methods on the pigeons was interesting and fascinating. When you think about it more, almost all animals are trainable, but to train a bird on where to go exactly is something that you don't really think about critically. I applaud the person who chose that invention, as it was a very interesting choice, but they made it easy to follow and learn about.

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